The following Internet Privacy Policy is provided by Società Agricola Villa Valentina Srl (hereinafter Villa Valentina), owner of the site (hereinafter Website) pursuant to art. 13 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) for the purpose of describing the management methods of this Website in relation to the processing of personal data of Visitors who consult it and to allow the latter to know the purposes and methods of data processing personal data by Villa Valentina in case of their provision. This information is provided only for this Website and does not apply to other websites owned by third parties that may be consulted by the Visitor through links present in the pages of the Website for which Villa Valentina assumes no responsibility and does not offer any guarantee in relation to the confidentiality rules adopted by them. The Privacy Policy is subject to updates and/or changes made by the Owner, at its discretion, also as a consequence of changes in applicable laws and/or regulations. We invite Visitors to the Website to regularly check the Privacy Policy to ensure they are aware of changes and modifications introduced to it. Use of the Website is subject to the Privacy Policy published from time to time on and in force at the time of said use. The Privacy Policy is easily consultable as it is accessible from every page of the Website.


The Data Controller of any personal data collected through this Site is Valentina Savignani, administrator of Società Agricola Villa Valentina Srl with registered office in Località Serra Partucci 06019 Umbertide (PG), VAT number 02730900541, Phone +39 075 9420172, e-mail The Data Controller may appoint other internal or external Data Processors. A complete and updated list of Data Processors and Data Processing Managers is available by contacting the Data Controller at the addresses indicated above.



The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Website automatically and indirectly acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is required to use the internet and is not collected to be associated to any defined interest. However, by processing and associating it with data held by third parties, it may lead to the identification of Website Visitors. This category of data includes – but is not limited to – IP addresses, dominion, Website accessed, resources URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the accessed resources, pages viewed and time, browser type, response file dimension, if the response was positive or an error, and geographical position of the Visitor. Such data are used merely to obtain anonymous statistical information on website viewing and to check its correct functioning. They are deleted once elaborated. Nevertheless, they may be retrieved in case of alleged crimes.


You may access and browse the website without the voluntary provision of any personal data. Villa Valentina will only collect and process personal data voluntarily provided by Visitors by filling in the forms on this site. Viewers may choose to provide only those data necessary to access information on services, products, and offers. Once registration completed, the collected personal data will be processed limited to the services indicated in the available disclaimer.


Villa Valentina exhorts Visitors not to transmit personal data that may be considered sensitive or judicial according to article 4 of the GDPR (i.e. health status, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs, trade unions membership, etc.), exception made for those data strictly necessary to the provision of services (e.g. food intolerances and allergies, celiac disease, etc.). Specific summary disclaimers are displayed in those webpages set up for particular services on requests. This information may be used for Visitors’ profiling or direct marketing. If this were the case, appropriate information shall be provided, no purchase demanded, and explicit consent obtained.


This Website uses cookies. For information relating to the cookies used, Villa Valentina invites Site Visitors to refer to its Cookie Policy.



Visitors to the Site may voluntarily provide their data (Name, E-mail, Message) to: – request information on services, products, offers and accommodation availability, – be contacted.


Non-sensitive Viewers’ Personal Data may be used – only and solely prior their free, optional, and explicit consent – to communicate with you, send you Le Muse’s promotional and advertising material by mail, fax, sms, mms and similar. You may withdraw your consent or object to the treatment at any time and at no charges. Your personal data shall not be transferred to third parties without your explicit consent. However, they may be sent to Agencies and Authorities to fulfil legal obligations.


The treatment of your personal data shall be carried out mainly with computerized methods in such a manner and with the appropriate tools to guarantee their security and confidentiality. In particular, all the technical, IT, organizational, logistical and procedural security measures necessary to protect personal data against loss and improper use will be adopted to secure the level of protection required by law.


Villa Valentina will keep any personal data and information collected by this Website – included any voluntarily supplied data – for the sole purpose of providing the services requested and no longer than necessary to fulfil the stated purpose. Once the service delivered, all your personal data shall be erased in strict compliance with Villa Valentina’s data retention policy, unless otherwise required by the Authorities or by law provisions.


Pursuant to article 15 and followings of the European Regulation GDPR 2016/679, viewers may check their personal data – collected by this website – at any time, and have them amended, updated, and erased or exercise any other right recognized by law, by writing to the Data Controller at the following address